When 90% of registered voters agree on an issue yet Congress ignores the will of an overwhelming majority of us, we know they were paid to follow the dictates of their Corporate Contributors.
Record Congressional votes on an issue, identify their contributors and you'll find a direct connection. The millions of dollars in Congressional Contributions serve adversely to the best interest of our country.
Republicans complain about George Soros million dollar contributions to Democratic Campaigns and Democrats complain about The Koch Brothers million dollar contributions to Republican campaigns. WE ALL AGREE that excessive contributions are corrupting our politics.
We The People share a Common Factor, a Common Denominator that is blocking every one of our proposed legislative changes. That common factor drowning out our voice in Congress is Corporate Campaign Contributions (CCC).
This understanding requires us to accept the fact that our country's track is best set by a majority of The People rather than a corporate few. The one most expeditious way to restore The People's voice in Congress is to remove the money from politics.